Monday, March 24, 2008
Just blogging some photosss^^1st MARCH:
celebrated Shu Shu bdae
ShuShu was SHOCKED by Bao sudden post.. hahaha!!
taking photo to give ShuShu's new wallet~ but in e end nv go print~
Bao had spiked my drink??!!!!
ShuShu was reading our card^^ know whose hand writting easily~~ =.=
Opening her presents^^
GuiGui wrote on 11:50 PM.

Saturday, March 22, 2008
ytd went to BBQ at East Coast as a early celebration for Sl's bdae.... Pit 13^^
meet Jo & Kt at 2+++ to bring e food to e pit den went to mama work place to collect otah^^ den finally reach there is already 5+++ lehx...
[1st layer]
[2nd layer]
[3rd layer]
[final product]
wanted to withdraw money from atm.. but a lady in front of was super long lo~ =.= den took a long time to finally take e money~
starting fire.. while Sl went to hunt for her present with some tips from Kt notes.. just like a game for her.. she also need to do something in order to get e next clue for e next tip... meaning she has to do smoe 'dare' things like asking stranger to wish her 'happy bdae' n sing loudly alone at e pit... hahaha.. but Sl was veri daring wor~ hahaha!! finally she found her 1st present....
den they went to took photos n i stay to look after e pit.. den... i accidently broke a bottle of chill... T.T pai sae ah... jo~~
as e sunset, e sky is really veri beautiful!! night came... it was full moon^^ den e moon was bright that is shine to e sea and reflected beautiful^^ keyln got capture that moon.. nice nice (^.^)b
went to toilet with Sl while Jo they all preparing her cake^^
{on e way to toilet}
its time to cut cake!! Sl was mad when she saw e cake.... 
{Birthday Elephant & her piano cake~} den she was more crazy when Jo gave her e box of present.... not surprise that she cried lahx... :x
after we cut e cake,, e other pit ppl came to our pit to share cake?? hahaaha.. cuz we got e Tiger here mahx... all came wanting to know e Tiger... hahaha.. ai yo~~ den sooo scare lo.. 1 come all come~ while playing poker,, more came~ hao fan ah~ hahaha... den one of their photograher keep taking Tiger pic lo~ heheheeh...
share some food with a Mr Passer-by and also 2 pieces of cake to e other pit ppl...
after ending our game.. is time to profit :x i kana 3x, Jo n Sl 2x, Kt n Kelyn 1x... den doing all e super lame things... ahhh!! but is super funny also!! ^___________^
YTD WEATHER WAS A GOOD WEATHER!! initially thot that is would rain.. cuz heard e thunder... but is a sunny dae!! night was just not beauiful to max plzz!! hahaha...
well,, todae stay at home.. Tiers celebration was cancel~
anywayzzzz,, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U GUY MAN!! >_*
random photo... 5 yrs of friendship!! YEAH!!

GuiGui wrote on 1:30 PM.

Monday, March 17, 2008
FIRSST DAY OF ATTACHMENT!!! rather afraid that i will be late cuz now is i going ALONE~!! last time with Lao Gong at least she can call mi if i really overslept.. but now, NO!! @.@wake up this morning, still thinking,, will i be late?? is 8 reach hosp ba?? tsktsk~~
saw TQ in e train... more relieve lehx... at least i knw sure wont late lo^^
in e ward... todae very slack^^ whole dae in e tutioral room... hahahaha... go in e ward for only about 1hr?? hahaha.. manage to c packing dressing... e pt is in great pain lahx... 心痛啊~ want to de NG tube feeding... but i FORGET ALL THE STEP!!! REALLY IS EVERY STEP LO!! @.@ ahhhh!!! nvm!! tml i try go do one^^ check whoosing sound!!!! whoo~~~
erm... knw new ppl... den that xiao rong CI toward e end, keep telling us lame jokes lahx!! hahahaha... cold to death ah~ hahaha...
first time go attachment got homework de~~ =.= sian ah~~!!!
ytd went shopping with Shan & Elephant~ hahahaha... den after buying wad we wanted to buy, mi & elephant went to Esplanade to romantic romantic 一下下... :/ hahaha... watch 2 performances.. 1st want,, got piano, alto sax, tenor sax, bass guita, guita... but not veri good... piano is nice,, sax not bad.. hahah... den 2nd want is much much more better.. veri nice singing and guita^^ e singers 合音 just is not nice lahx!! a smoothing performance^^ hahaha.. long time nv go out with both of them liao... hehehhehe.... at marina square saw someone like Besta uncle but nv go talk to him.. den also saw Shinyi working... Michelle at Lucky Plaza...
Elephant with her piano~~
wad is inside the bell??

wad is this???
Guilan is conducting^^ shhhhh~~
*ClapClap Clap**** Elephant help to clap^^
*twist** good performance^^ :x
Elephant is wishing for......
... if i eat up all e stickman musician.... mmmm~
... can i be a conductor???
... or play piano???
... or even play good trumpet??
噹噹!!! back to reality~

GuiGui wrote on 6:47 PM.

Saturday, March 15, 2008
todae is e 'last dae' of work in Popular~ haiixx.. think gotta miss them all lehx~ now discover that that they actually fun ppl^^ not as bad as i sae in e previous post... :p hahahaha... think as time goes by, can make ones know some one better.. haiixxx... but now i'm leaving lehx~ by e time i go back... think only 1 or 2 left ba~ sadded~ Glad that Pan Ying had decided to contin to work in popular^^ YEAH!!! but she was posted to cafe~ nvm~ i can go there eat de^^ hahaaha... ytd had Jack Place with Woo Nan Nan... romantic romantic 一下下~~ hahaha... acting e class ppl with her... laugh like mad ppl~ hahahaha.... first time dine at Jack Place... thot that e bill come will be like 20+++ but is only 15+++ for both of us... quite shocked~ =.= den late to punch card.. late about almost an hour... hahahaaha.... den Yi Hao brought chocolate for us^^ but he is just a xiao di di~ [cuz he was younger than us] hehe!! i finally brought my Jay Chou CD lehx!! yeah!! *clapclapclap** after waitig for sooo longgg~~work ytd was no good... cuz i forget to return customer their credit card TWICE~!! -.- rather stress up... dun knw y~ todae was much more better^^ i nv short money, but more money! hahaha.. 0.55^^sian man~ attachment is on mondae lehx~ HAIIXXX~!! i rather go popular work lo~ YEAH~!! Ms Tiers is sending mi photo^^ lalallalalalalala~~
GuiGui wrote on 11:57 PM.

Thursday, March 13, 2008
People!! wake up lahx~ got such a good conductor still you are not appreicating him!! You guys can do much much more better IF you are willing to put in more effort in listening to other sections parts and LOOK at e conductor!!
I'm not saying that we seniors are the best or wad~ but at least we will change abit after kana scolding from e teachers~ but you are wont!!
Conductor had been very very patient to you all lehx... but can dont step over his head??
GuiGui wrote on 9:15 PM.

Monday, March 10, 2008
band todae was fun fun fun!!! xD went swimming in e morning with Tiers and shu shu... hahaha.. now can at least swim better than last time lehx ^^y
lunch-ed at one of e koiptiam near by... saw my ah ma while walking to that koiptiam.. she was waiting for her fish soup~~ hahaha... den saw Pei yun at that koiptiam... a suprise for Tiers and shushu~ as they nv met for ages lehx~
after that, went Tiers house to slack~ watched White Chick^^ damn funny de~ hahaha!!
went to band <3>
tooo bad Angie cannot come~ Elena Koh also nv come~ -.-
but heng got Suhair, CK and other seniors^^ hahahaha...
help to prepare e games for e juniors to play~but end up.. e seniors preparing e games started to play first among themselve~ hahahahaa... beri e fun lo~ throwing flour at each other~ hahaha.. chasing~ shouting~ hahahaha... feel like playing catching~ hahahaha!! :x
den wanted to make Mr ah Tan and Ng -Seah 'dirty' de~ but Mr ah Tan act blur act blur walk out e hall knowing we going to soba him~ hahaha.. Ng-Seah more cute lo~ haha.. i wanted to shake hand with her. She sae dun come near her and i approach more she ran out of e hall and stay behine e glass door~ hahahaha!! she sooo funny lahx~ :x
But i got no sax for mi to play~ T.T cuz got 2 new Tenor juniors den use up all e sax lehx~ they played canon~ which i really want to join in also~~ AHHH~!!! playing was not bad~ mmm.. not much feeling ba~ hahaha.. nvm de~ that time SYF also always kana scold no feel in Fiera Winds~ den at last sooo many feeling~ hahaha!! ke yi de!! band jiayou!!!
miss playing sax~ haiizzz~
ai ya~ todae nv talk to Mr ah Tan~ mmmm~~~
okie~~photo time~!! hahahaha!!



after games, e hall is fill up with white flour~ veri nice^^b hahaha.. den we help to sweep e whole hall!! WOAH~!!! den Ng-Seah kept rushing us to do faster~ @.@ hahahaha... went to 7-11 as usual to buy thing~
HOME SWEEET HOMEEE~~ ^__________________^
GuiGui wrote on 10:18 PM.