Tuesday, April 29, 2008
School todae was high at the end.. Hey man club was calling everyone full names LOUDLY!! if we are all in e same class~~ just not fun and together liao~~ LOLxxx!!! nothing much happen in school todae... finally saw drey's boss^^ quite cute from my view at bus stop to his car~ hahahaah.. Saw there is another study to Sawarka during Sept!! wad attact mi most is e kampong life!! hahaahah... free from pollution~~ peaceful lifestyle... farmer life~~ hohoho.. ^o^ hope shan n drey wants to go~~ and also not tooo ex~ T.T
And i seriously DISLIKE my com!! ahhhh!! soooo many problem!! sometimes sooo lag, sometimes auto shutdown~ why???? tsktsktsk~~ hoping to have money drop from the sky den i can go buy new com~
just finish searching for NS 4 presentation's picture and info for my question... hope fridae presentation they dun shoot alot of question~ -.-
Ah jue is sick~~ after mi~ T.T he went to malaysia todae... 2nd May den come back~ go back also good for him lahx.. at least got his mama can look after him better than he alone in Sing den no one look after him~~ take care ah!!!
YEAH!! tml going IKEA!!! finally lehx!! mohaxhahx!!! meeting Bao n Shu Shu at tm~ lalalalala... ikea ikea... hahahaha...
okie~~ nothing more to blog about liao... boring life man~~ haixxx...
Monday, April 28, 2008
YES MAN!!!!! FINALLY MANAGE TO PAY MY INTERNET BILL!!!!!!! mohaxhaxhahxahx~!!! mmmmm.... tooo long nv blog now abit blur.. dun knw where to start..... @.@ after a long long time i finally load finish e photo liao~
okie~~ think start from.... Lao gong bdae that dae ba... since e photo is e most of all...

At drey house bake cake for Angie~~
After that went to meet e Hey mansss den shop shop lpay aracde at marina square.. before that, went to Popular first to store our cake... intented to get a surprise for her^^
but it RAIN!!! SUPER HEAVY!! my favourite shoes's sole is spoil liao~~ T.T cuz it all soak in the stupid rain water~~ haiixxx... y rain man!! soooo bu fan bian~ 

Missy Yap and her 'star' cake^^

Happy missy yap when she saw e 'star' cake^^

A group photo at e regular steamboat house before drey flew off~~
After steamboating, went to Bugis walk walk... and finally eat our veri own cake^^
is nice de lo^^ but abit tooo sweet cause of the icing ba~
Lonely Yap sitting at e step eating her cake.....
Passer-by A B C D sit tgt without yap~
after eating e cake, take photo!!!
Hui Shan: wishing for a kiss from Yap

den next post is last wek forget which dae go out with Jason they all... pretty last mins... after reach home Sherly called mi...
Ring Ring Ring....
Sherly: Heloo, guilan where r u??
mi: At home ah.. y??
Sherly: r u free??
mi: mmmm... quite free... y?
Sherly: okie good..do u want to come down to Orchard now??
mi: now?? (rather surprise..)
**can hear Jason voice at the back~~~
Sherly: ya~ now... can??
mi: ok ah... who coming??
**bah bah bah bah***
before leaving e house, Mr wei lun.. msg mi.. asking mi going?? at where?? want to him cuz he dun knw how to go wisma.... hahahahahah... Lun tai dun knw how to roll there ah~~ hahaahah.. thats was want i reply him in one of e msg...
meet them... walk to cine after decided to eat HK cafe^^ on e way, Nages told us story that she saw during e FOC camp~ hahaha.. ai yo~~ is sooooo WOW!! hahahaha...
at HK cafe.... order eat photo chat... den saw Kino (popular promoter).... such a small world~

hahaha.. was unprepare~~
Woo Nan Nan n mi~ hahahaha.. soooo qiao we happen to work tgt~ hahaha... but she quitting soon lehx~ sad man~~ zzzz...

mi n wei ru...
row of missy~
PS: bao~~ have u send mi Tiers bdae photo yet???
intended to go play pool on wed... but i'm sick!! miss school for 2 daes~ T.T
soooo sweet~~ lalalalalala
Random photo next!! hahahaha...
took with some working fren~

Si ri ri, Xiao lan lan, xiao ru ru -.-

haiixx... when will we meet again?? hahahaa..
For e first time, yr 2007, p22 and p26 buddy go eat lunch TOGETHER!! hahahaha.. den e SIM table is all taken by missy~ hahaahaha...
Finally have a free dae to meet out Qiang and teck hui and Ah shui... but teck hui last min cannot come down meet us... soooo we 4 happy outing lo... actually want to help teck hui celebrate his bdae de~~ but nvm... theres is always a next yr~ hahahaha... eat alot that dae.... den kind soul qiang and angie pei wo eat dessert at my fav cake place!! h0h0h0!! but ah shui tooo full or wad cannot really rmb also sit there with us... talk talk... hahahha... a longggg time since we last meet out lehx~ hahahaha....
qiang!! happy jiu hao!! ^^ y
Last pic: shu shu drew e enevolpe of Tiers bdae card^^
cute rite??
woah~~ finally almost finish liao~ hahaha... one incident happen when working... customer A cut e queue and came to my counter. e rest of e customer at e back started to ask him to queue... den got this customer B step forward to ask him to queue... started to quarrle.... customer B turn to me and said: "if u dare to let him go first, i will sue you!!"
i was like stunned... sue??? that serious??? imgine customer B come to Mac during break time... think all e auntie uncle will kana sue lo~ hahahhaha!!! social norms~~
finally done!!! zzzzz....
Saturday, April 5, 2008
ATTACHMENT FOR YEAR 1 IS NOW OFFICIALLY OVER!!!!!!! WAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!(^.^)y todae at ward is really slacking. overload with student nurses.
give the ward staffs my most beloved cake: MANGO DELIGHT!!!!
bid goodbye to the staffs and patients, [有一点点的舍不得]
oh ya!! my CA grade maintain!! *clapclapclap****
after attachment, rush home to bath. meet up with Jasmine, Sherly, Jason, Wai loon, 'bu tai'~
in the end, the 2 just gentlemen were late for half an hour~ -.-
still asking us not to go home~
went to cathay to watch 'three kingdom', dinner-ed at one of the noodle shop.
2 stars for this shop~

'bu tai', Jason, Jasmine

Our food!~
Fried dumpling with prata?? is actually the bottom of e fried dumpling^^
A group photo again before rushing for e movie~

And ya.. we were late for e moive~ den is e threater is e big size de!! woah!! is really very big~ haahaha.. and veri nice also~ hahaahah!! >_<
trying to take more photos before going in to e threater...........
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after movie all is high tide... den all e medical term n diagnosis started to vomit out~ zzzz..... but is funny lo~~
den after toilet, take photos again~~

after that went to tanah merah to meet Zhi Jue.... take locker key... den talk talk talk....
mmmmmm... nvm.....
eyes closing lehx....
celebrate Tiers bdae tml!! hope everything well go according to plan~~