Friday, May 30, 2008
Last 2 days of school before common test~Last time go to aluimn eat~
Next we will be there is school reopen lehx~ which is one mth later~
took a pic while Lao gong wento toilet, den Hui shan alone standing outside~
cuz too cold inside lehx~
i entitle this photo: The Unwanted.
want to take when Hui shan appear like a ghost~ but she moved too fast lehx~
oh ya!!
todae in bus, there are this 2 sort-cum-dranked-cum-ah beng-cum-blackie, in short, they are blackie drank-ed siao ah bengs. one of them (Mr A) suddenly shouted at someone outside the bus. den another one (Mr B) ask Nam (happened to be on the same bus as him) to move to another seat, so that he could occupy the whole seat himself. =.= then, there was like a quarrle between Mr A and someone over the phone lahx~ hahahahahaha!! den he sae the f*** sooo loud!!! that i started to tou siao~~ finally they alight at circuit rd... **peaceful**
but, went the bus reaches KAP, 3-4 police cars stopped us... that time was 9.50am~~ we were all asked to alight while the police checked the bus~ called Hui shan they all to go in first... but after awhile nothing lehx.. asked to go back the bus~ -.-den overheard the driver sae he knew that police wanted to checked his bus... think this b'cuz of the Mr A n Mr B... someone called the police??? mmmm... interesting!!! hahahaha!!
went to vivo on tues?? to buy Hafiz present~
den... lunch-ed at Ramen ten~
okie... i tip toe-ed~ hahahhaa!! better view u know~ hahahahaha!!!
den went to the toy shop to buy the colour cube for Hafiz,
mi, Lao gong, Hui shan go buy this at the 'egg' machine~
cute rite?? the face will change de!!! hahahaha... Lao gong super lucky de lo~ she got the black want... black want the face more cute!!! but white one also not bad!!! hahahah!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Stress Stresss Stresssss~!!!!Common test is coming~
n i haven start studying~~
die liao lo~~
must start later lehx~
sooo in order to destress,
we went to KAP mac to eat~
since the lecture is cancel...
played dai di, loser shall eat the fries n naggets...
at first is si yu yan keep eating~
den his suay luck all transmiss to me~!!!
next time dun want to sit beside him liao~
at last, i ate 5 pieces~
but winner is Lao gong~
She ate 6 piece!!!
super high de!!
next time can try water~ hahaahahaha!!!
went to work ytd was sooo tired!!
this few lacking of sleep~
promise myself to find a day to SLEEP~!!
ps: Thanks Kino!!! for ur chocolate~!!! is nice ^^y
he gave my that as my present~
Drey todae also gave 2 bars of choco. n a card~
thanks man!!
tml no school!!!
lesson had been cancel~!!!
more time sleep~
and study~????
mmm.... trying my best!!!
just nw arrive Sl call....
mmm... yah man!!
we really sure meet up lehx~!!!
super long nv gather gather liao~
it's time~
ps: Ah jo N Sl....
u all can buy for mi~~ mmmm...
i also dun knw~~
maybe treat mi go resturant eat ba^^
hahaha!! but if u all really dun knw wad to buy den just treat mi eat hao liao can lehx :)
** Story telling~~**
Once upon a time, there are 3 little happy souls. K soul and Q soul were very good buddies.
On a dark day, K soul was wondering around in the brown woods. Suddenly, monster S appeared in front of K soul. K soul was shocked! The next moment, it was under a "deep sleep sleep beep beep" spell casted by the monster S.
"Aahhhh!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" That poor soul cried when it wake up from that deep sleep.
For days, the poor soul had be crying, hoping someone or some soul would heard it's cried. And Q soul was worried about K soul as they would everyday at the same time and same place. But, K soul never appear few days.
Finally. Q soul heard the fade cried.
Q soul recongise that was K soul.
Quickly, flew over to save K soul.
They were about to success in escaping, but monster S capture both of them.
When the news spread to the ear of L soul, whose was a friend of monster S, was unwilling to save two poor soul.
Seeing them to be separated into different cell, and cried till the cows come home.
Days was bored in the cell.
So, Q soul wrote out a song...
hahaha!! okie... just some rubbish story made up by wu
seriously, no offence!!
in case of anyone misunderstood it...
its pure RUBBISH~
enuff of playing liao~
Sunday, May 25, 2008
OFFICALLY 18~!!!!!=.=
after 18 yr of living, my achievement is to had such a GREAT frenz man!!!!!
on the 23 may, hey man celerbate my advance bdae!!
very thank u to hui shan N dihao aka si yu yan ~ for skipping e lect. to go buy e cake for mi~
super super duper sudden to c qiang with them, and he is holding the cake!!!
nv thot that he will come to Blk81 from his blk which is far far away~~
damn happy man!!
thanks man!!!
i was lost at word~

from xue shan, hui shan & Lao gong~
den after work, meet ah jue...
Monday, May 19, 2008
went to play captain's ball will Sl, ah kuan & Sl church frenss~~woah~~!!
super long nv play that lehx~
soooo tired~
keep running there n here~
but 出汗的感觉是爽的咯~!!!
slack at one of SL fren house,
dne play few round of tai di~
zhen ling jie teach mi n kuan to play a card game~
breach?? dun really rmb the name~
her parents suddenly came back...
half of them fast fast clean e house~
half of us sitting down watch tv~~
cuz also cannot too many ppl de mahx~
went home after that~
took bus 40 with kuan n Sl....
talk talk talk in e bus trip~
wait for my bus 30 for 15mins???
-.- zzzZZzzz
"maintaining the friendship ^^
everyone does a part~
yeah man!! i will find time de!!
but somehow... somewhere... feel that i wrote out of point~
pray hard is ok~!!
went study with Tiers at Bugis
first mac, den move to library
saw Pan ying and some popular fren at mac~
after studying~
went to Bugis village to shop shop with Tiers to look for her formal wear~
can wear formal~
nursing??? haiixxxx~~
i brought a blouse too^^
thanks tiers!!!
oh ya!! forget to thank Hui Shan's mama for her mee fen~
end of my boring dae~~
Saturday, May 17, 2008
NO pincic todae~ Cuz Xue Shan cramp until veri yan zhong!!! ke lian de ta~~ nvm... next time den we organise again~ hahaha... went to this tian bing shop to eat some tian bing~
until 7.30pm when went off~
hui shan fren came~
left e cool place at 8++++
yah!! is really veri COOL~~
meet Woo nan nan n Li Zhen
to go eat smelly tofu at Geylang~
saw Li Zhen's supplier at that shop too~
mentos drop out from e warpper???
finding sweet to get rid of e smelly~~
smell toooo nice plz~
walk ard geylang abit~~
home sweet home~~
Friday, May 16, 2008
Playing sax again is sooooooooo 爽!!!!! hahahaha...really miss playing it~
band seem to become small lehx~
used to have 3 rows in the past,
but todae only 2 row~
Guaduating seniors todae also pass down their post lehx~
happy to c mr tan n ng-seah!!
becoming more n more funny liao~~
his girl is 3mths old lehx!!!
ng- seah is forever sooo cute~ hahahahaha... :x
"u are not the one going for e competition,
soooo pls let e one who is going for the competition to play!!
so what if u have improve alot??
but also not as good as someone else mahx~
ai yo~~
give ppl a chance lahx...
be consideration lahx~~"
y sooo unfair~??
next fri, mrs tan is coming lo~~
y not todae????
in the morning went to SP to have breakfast with Lao gong
den Ntuc to buy food for tml's picnic~~
we take those food without seeing the price~
on the way to SP, saw Lao gong's papa,
surprisingly, he NEVER SAW US~
heng ah~
den come back to my house to put e food...
tml xue shan n Lao gong r coming over to cook~~
Good that u are creating a blog lehx!!! hahahahha!! faster faster!!
off to do my PAS lehx~ T.T
1,500 words~~ JIAYOU!!!!
faster do finish, faster can go play~~
**looking forward tml's picnic!!!! xD
Thursday, May 15, 2008
nothing to do~~ sian sian sian~~
now my house become more quiet lehx~~
i miss my ah ma~~
miss her cooking~~
she went to Malaysia to visit her fren~~
finally, told ken that i want to stop working lehx~
his replied:
wah~ 和我这个帥哥工作不好呐? 还是钱够多了??
by the way, ken is a uncle~
anyway~ next mth officially off MSH!!
to shuilin, joanne, kuan ting::::
really veri pai sae~!!! my actual dae cannot celebrate with u guys~~ SORRY MAN!! VERI SORRY!!! dun worry... sure can find another dae where we all freee de!! hahahha!! no big surprise also can^^ but must got small surprise ah!! as long as we get together can liao mahx~~ >_<
Monday, May 12, 2008
mmmmm.... skip-ed NS3.... went to KAP with Shan square and Lao gong to do Ah ma talking~~~wanted to leave at 4.30 de...
talk talk talk
until 5.20+++++..... -.-
we actually planned for a pincic on Sat~!!
Hui Shan will be e one cooking den rest of us... EAT!!
Xue Shan & i shall coach Angie & Hui shan how to ride bike man!! hahahaha...
mmmm... should collect coaching fee...
$$15 per half an hour???
One of my lecturer had her labour~~!!! not term baby~ ahh!! that was rather fast cuz she told us that her baby will due later in e mth or soooo~~ mmmm.... wish that her baby is doing well!!! Cheers!!!! ^^y
its good for us also!! that mean she one her leave and we got e lecture for next week!!! lalalalalala~~
oh man!! Common test is coming in 3 weeks times.... think will do badly for this CT cuz not really knw the subjects and have no mood to listen to lecture almost everyday!!!
- NS3 lecturers one is tooo fast one is tooo nagging~
- NS4 lecture notes is a waste of money~
sometimes really thinks that the school is cheating the students' money... ask we all to buy manual but the exam questions is not coming out for the notes~ but from the textbook instead!! the textbook cost $38 and will be only using for ONE SEME!!! den might well, have us to buy the textbook instead~!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
新加坡真的真的很小!!!!!!!Pan ying 认识 Ben 和 drey??!!! Tiers 的朋友也认识 Pan Ying~~~
今天在 popular 遇见了 3 个中学朋友....
Carmen, Shrike, one sec 5 guy~~ ((dun really know his name~))
少算顾客 $15!!! T.T 自己赔本$15~~ 三个小时的工钱就这样没了..... 希望她会回来挽~~~
我决定了!!!! admin 的我不干了!!!!哈哈哈哈!!!!!
type in chinese.. just for fun~!! hahahahaha!!! now Stella is staying over at my house... mmmm... can sae is 同居吗??? hahahaaaa!!!
Mr Yi Hao n i went to c Helen to ask for a month break after the June holi~~ Helen ask y must we go for break tgt??
Helen: r u 2 tgt?? y must go break tgt???
Yi Hao: huh??!!!! ** shockedddd~
Mi: ya lo~~ we going honeymoon tgt~~ haaha!!!
hahahaha!!! Helen finally agreed for our break!! YEAH!!! finally can slack liao man!!!! lalalallalala~~
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wed:Went to Donut factory to have donut, long john silver to eat 2+1~~ hahaha!!
drey needed to go Woodland to ask her phone stuff sooo went off first... rest of us.. cont to shop!! there got alot of Korea shop!! hahaha...
took bus home for them~~ me?? went to MSH~
wad a wrong step!! i was actually off on wad... but i msg Ken eariler:
me: Ken i todae need to work mahx??
Ken: y u todae cant come??
me: cuz u nv put mi work todae...
Ken: oh.. sorry den u come tml nite..
bcuz of the TML NITE~~ i mis-read it to TONITE~
nvm~~ at least i got to earn extar $18~~ hahahha!! ^^
is a remarkable day for my embarrassment!!!!! AAHHHHHAHAHA~~!!!
STUPID LOCK!!!! @#$^&@#!!
MSH learn closing... @.@ soooo confusing~~ click there click here... send there send here... ai yo~~~
feeling weird in myself.... sooo easy get tired.. dislike man!! 找回自己~~ high ba!!!!
2 jobs really cannot take it~~
but still unable to make an ending~
ai yo~~~~
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
saw ah kuan this morning at bus~ just came back Li Ping's house for dinner!! hahahha...
later, ah ben came....
DANG DANG!!!****
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Finally got off day from Popular!!! shuang man!! hahahaha!! all of us were just tooo bust with own stuff~
Friday, May 2, 2008
ITS MAY!!!!! h0h0h0h0h0!! that mean my birthdae is coming lehx!!! lalalalalala... i want a PSP, osim massage chair or e massage leg want, 5kg of sweet mango, 2kg of mango delight cake... hahahaha... just kidding~~ haixxx... that i a yr older liao~ haixx... lao liao lao liao~~ nvm~ Bao birhdae is also coming~~ work:
1st may went back to work den suddenly e level 5 cashier power kana cut off... quite chaos but in e end is okie lehx^^ den went off early to do presentation script~ zzz....
ke lian chong Kino is sick!! hahahaaha.... but is nice of him to pei wo go to bus stop and waited e bus with mi.. hahahaha... there is a reason behide!! reason is to go out walk walk~ cuz sit at his counter he also will fall asleep~ hahahahaha!!~
i wasnt late todae!! hahahaha... sad thing is that cheers like no longer selling chocolate milk lehx~~ T.T presentation was okie... not much of shooting question... hahahaha.. just that i mistaken e slide that evelyn sent mi~ as a result pasted e wrong slide.. pai sae lehx~ den went to buy uniform... pants suit~ waited for an hour before only placing order... no getting e uni yet~ T.T saw Badrun too..... this yr de yr 1 male genes not bad wor... got a few shuai ge ^^ but... tooo young.. kan jiu hao~ during NSL somehow and somewhere kana cher scolding.. cuz we really too not serious liao... play a fool there .. hahaha.. but u have mistaken us lehx... nvm... is already past tense...
the forward looking policy... "wad shall we eat??" hahahaha!!
end of school~
haiizzzz... loaded with NS3 and PAS worksheet~~ both due on mondae!! can die man~ yr 2 sooo difference from yr 1~~ -.-
next week will be more busy... MSH starting.. reports to write... zzzz.......... shall i cont' MSH??
stop using that look to look at us!! wad over is over.... dun be sooo long winded can??? we r no criminals nor cheater nor liar~! just getting e goodie bag for fun...