Monday, August 31, 2009
first in TTSH, e CI listed her expectation was OMG!! i really really rather go back to CGH man!
the director just pop in n told to know our perspective cubicle patient's diagnosis n treatment for each patients by 11am when she will be back to ask us~ and that time was about 9am++++! n we still having briefing~STRESS!!! at e first day!
but heng, we all went for break n ran away from e witch~ haha!
one of the CI told us that even SSN basic was 1.5 to 1.6... it was like sooooooo kana cheated lo! junior sn also 1.6... ssn also 1.6~ wad e use man! more workload n lesser pay~ dun knw if he was scaring us anot... anyway, is was too late to turn back now.... no way back~ T.T
being bonded..
no good thing~
soooo tired after e first of shift.... only e first day~
still got 6weeks to go! to end attachment in TTSH! hell!!
seem that it is very easy to fail with that strict strict CI~ T.T
danger zone~
Sunday, August 30, 2009
huhuhu!!i change my blogskin!!!
but how can i can change my front n size of my wording nehx????
y my link cannot work???
paisae lo... keep changing~
but i need to figure out how to change my blogskin first~ mmmm~~
anyway!! exam over!!! huhuhu!!
no more exam in e future^^
on tues, ( 25aug) had chalet with my hey man darling^^
rather last mins, but we all attended^^
althought Mr Ng n Hafiz were late... but, they still make it in e end^^

during e chalet, a house which is about 2 houses away from us, organized "semi-structure retreat session" for e china ppl... who knows it ended up in illegal gambling... and policemen were called up... banging, breaking of glassses sound was loud!!
we went out to see what happen... den a policewoman? ask us to go back in... but we nv see such thing before, so we moved out to see...Hafiz ran to opposite to have a clearer view~ Huishan have to drag him back lo...
den there is this uncle sitting outside our house, who had been very lucky to escape from e "police attack" joined us n get himself to be less suspious to e policeman... later, he brought in another 2 super suspious, comfirm china man from e attacked house into our house!
n our house had been came their base to shade themselve!!
n they use n drity our toilet WITHOUT our permission!!!!!!
soooo old liao still dun know basic manner!
den everything end at around 2am ++++++
where we able to close door n sleep!
sleeping was another fun^^
as Hafiiz was e only guy with us, sooo we have bed time talk...
finally all quiet n sleeping at around 5am +++++....
me n xueshan got to wake up at 6am to go my house to change before leaving for airport~
KL!! ^^
from 26 to 29aug, qiying, evelyn, xueshan n me went to KL^^
holiday before our 6weeks attachment! T.T
first dae on arriving at e hotel, my card cannot be use pay e hotel...
sooo afraid that we will sleep at e street for e 4daes...
heng e man over e counter sae we could go withdraw money at e OCBC bank nearby...
woah!! heng ah~!!!
able to withdraw money^^
den shopping for e whole 3daes^^
went to do fish spa too^^ super itchy!!! hahahaha!!
evelyn too afraid of e fish... n spend RM5 for nothing~~
ytd... met a interesting taxi uncle...
we wanted to go times sq, n got up this taxi, n he wanted RM20 n we bargain for RM15.. so deal... but after less than a mins in his car, he sae he wanted to fetch his daughter n son and ask e 4 of us to squezze behind... of cuz we sae no unless he lower his price... paying sooo much n we cannot sit comfortably... so after a long long time, we decided to go hired for another taxi... so we went out to e main road.. who knw that taxi uncle drove out and signal us to get in... Again, another less than a mins, we got down again.. "ahlama, sooo jam ah~" said by e uncle after giving a silly laugh... n we got our way shorter by foot without paying e taxi uncle any money~~
wad a undecisive taxi uncle....
hahaha!! den bad about KL is that is wasnt as good as i think of a city in m'sia... e transportion suck to e core!! super ma fan to change from LRT to monorail! n long long platform only 2 carrier... tsk tsk.. bad air!! high high high high air pollution!!! no good for health!
good thing was e shopping, food, n no sweat^^ suprisingly^^
waiting for evelyn to upload photo to facebook^^
Labels: holiday over