Sunday, January 24, 2010
mmmm~ sooo long since i update my blog~ almost forgotten that i have a blog >.<okie~ new yr! time to clean up the dust there~ *ahh chew~! okie... wad i had done?? mm... actually i also cannot remember any signifcant things~
oh! PRCP finally coming to end liao^^ huhuhuu! 5 more dae!! super fast.. looking back in yr1 still thinking "walao! 3mth attachment will die ah!" but now already survive until now^^ clapclapclap** thinking April 21 i will b earning stable income~ huhuhu!! moneymoney come :) this 3mth... survive in my ward.. haha! nice n fun missy there who really take care of me alot! big big thanks to them :) hope very much that i will return to the ward.. if going other ward.. think i will die ah! hahaha!
hmm.. ytd went to MFB gathering^^ glad that i went lo~ meeting them up after 5yrs since we went shengzhen n hongkong tgt.. first time we meet again~ haha! had great fun with them! haha! especially at starbuck! all sooo crazy! hahaha! wonder y back then y nv click with them so well... haha.. during e dinner at SAF yatch club which is so wulu that e driver went e wrong way for 2 times.. is super SUPER wulu!! but is nice^^ i think is e only place in singapore can c alot of stars at night as there is not soo much light~
den meet our mentors.. mel n i were like keeping eating the chip when we reach there.. moving one table to another to finish up e chip~ haha! had games~ Ben was called up to stage to dance 'nobody'! lol! super not entertaining pls!! hahaha!! time to leave.. nan de we meet up after 5longlong yrs.. we went to tampines.. after keep flipping coin.. haha! starbuck! finally got my

huhuhu! MFB 1st batch!!
den wad else~~~
ahah~! i meet my love^^ Edmund Teo!! huhuhuh!! next time den i post photo ba~ now my lappie dun have any photo.. all in phone~ =x love him^^