Saturday, March 27, 2010
"As times goes by, heart's will become more and more greedy...Expecting more and more..
But, remember to remember that cant be too greedy..
Never a good thing to be greedy..
There will no outcome for the greediness..
Be content with what is given now, and treasure it.
Before it vanish~"
"Asking for more is it a bad thing to so?
If there's demand, so will there be improvement?
Or otherwise..
Demand cause stress, which is harmful to health..
But yet, it's everywhere~~
Life! is so complicated.."
just thought of writing down.. maybe next time i will be a famous lady!! huhuhu!
nvm~ it's 1.05 in the morning.. my brain already in the freezer.. =x dont really know what i writing too.. A RUBBISH & WORTHLESS POST.. just to pass my time while waiting my game to load~ hahah!
but!! below is some thinking for my friends!! hahaha!!
maybe i will be next speare that shake the world!! *dreaming again~ zzz...
"cherish the time we had together..
memories are best to keep in heart, never be forgotten..
creating more memorable memories, never let life be black and white..
friends and loves ones are forever being loved!
soon, all of us will be separated into different path of life~
some will be lost in the journey of life..
but, memories will not be lost in anyway..
cheers! my beloved friends!! "
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Dinner&Dance was geat!!! huhuhu!ytd went to Intercontinental Hotel... grand place:)
afternoon went to Parkview hotel to get dress up:) and that make up auntie dun know is purposely or accidentally or skill not too good... shaved almost half of my eyebow!! high pls!!
after removing my make up, xueshan saw my eyebow so weird! and shouted:"ah gui no more eyebow liao!!!" wah piang! that auntie too clever pls!! OMG!!
so this morning, before going home, me and angie went salon:) and i having a bangs now:) huhuhu! cover my eyebow~~~ I WANT MY EYEBOW~!!!! argh~!
on the way to hotel, so many ppl keeping staring at us~! so scary~~ ahhhh!! saw faza on e way...
food was serve in chinses crusine:) luckily is not buffet style~
entertainment, preformance, live band~ woo! miss my sax~ dun think now got the stamina to play a tenor no=(
as usual, take photo everywhere, looking at others... and Evelyn was soooooooo pretty man!!! really very pretty!! hahaha...
after all the food serve, dancing! but we never go to the dance floor... we went buy to hotel to have our mac supper!
huishan and xueshan left early, and left angie, me and juan dominate the room!! wooow!!! and i finally know how to tie a scopricon!! wahahahah!!
now, i'm hungry again!! ahhhh!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
sobsobob!!!! i never go back to my PRCP ward~~ sad!!damn sad pls! got to learn new things, know new staffs there~ headache ah~
hope it will be a fun ward man!
but i still prefer gyane than obest.. more thing to learn over gyane.. although, obest i know nothing about it... expect pre-natal, post-natal.. @_@ think got to read up before starting work...
HAHA! said until so nice.. read up before work.. will i do? lol! no!! wahahah! =x
thursday is HS D&D... spend bomb on it~ heart pain~ T.T wonder what the food like~ haha! thot that it will be really our family in our table, but kay not going~ hai~
knew Pramond for almost 14yrs.. since pri till now~ haha! really long can~ now he leaving for aus for futher study~ not now, but soon~ haha! jiayou lahx! he is a fragile boy~ =x haha!
and my PRCP got A!! huhuhuhu!
nv got to go grad tour with my poly~ =( but end of year!!! haha.. but we having chatel:) huhuhu! looking forward man!!
now going 2am liao~ so fast.. another dae... tsk~ ren sheng ah~~~