Sunday, May 23, 2010
KINO NG!!! MY PRESENT~~~~!!!! see~ i mention u lehx~ hahaha.. =x

saw a rainbow this morning when going home from Jo house.. suddenly remember the things you told me once when you saw rainbow.. but now no longer matters... well~ maybe i e dumbest human being in the universal...
really really thanks to Animal!! treats great dinner at hawker! den midnight mango cake! woah!! fat fat fat~!! hahah... but once a year... ok nahx~ =x
thanks for the sunflower n nice watch! hahah..

today is Bao's bdae, 24 hours later will be mine... will you wish me? doubt so..
lol! y am i talking all this?! hahahah..
too tired liao~ shoulder so suan...
night!! =)
shopping shopping~~~~~
Friday, May 14, 2010
oone day, some one asked; "WHY AM I LUBRICATED?"
so, some two replied; "BECAUSE YOU ARE OILY!"
some one asked again, puzzle;" BUT WHY AM I OILY?"
some two in a very claim tone and simply replied; "BECAUSE YOU ARE FAT!!!!!!"
this is one day sitting at mos burger with huishan,xue n angie..
randomly, out of nowhere...
we created this!
seriously have no motivation to work now! OMG! why can they post me to other gyane ward if i really cannot go back nehx? or put someone with me also can ah?! now alone newbbie there.. HAI!
got motivation PLEASE!!
And, we done! =( sadly~~ suprisingly~~
knew it will come sooner or later...
but dint execpt that would be so soon! so fast!
few days ago, feels that it seems to be fine and normal.
the final holding hand,
the final hugs,
the final dinner & movie,
the final hugs
the final kiss...
no more~
just but!
sometimes i wonder if i could send that message earlier,
will it be this ending?
just too sudden!
still in the stage of denial..
stupid me!
nothing could save it now~
whats got to goes,
need to go..
time to face the reality!