Friday, June 22, 2012
Feels like everything have been restart:) is it the so call no overnight anger between old couple? Chung tou cao jia chung wei he?
I still love u as much as before:)
Give my best to you~!!!!! jiayou!!
GuiGui wrote on 12:40 PM.

Thursday, June 21, 2012
You have been so sweet to me, and look what have i done to you? Kill me~~ how am i going to face you again.. Karma to me!
GuiGui wrote on 11:37 PM.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
I think i am really a lousy girlfriend.. Even thought i know u dun like e way i management my things or i know u that u will be upset when i dun listen to u.. I still continue with wad i want.. Im really really a bad one.
But i just want to play, have fun. Why isnt there a prefect solution whenever i do, my boyfriend n friends will be happy..
Feel damn inferior to u...
Im such a lousy one..0
GuiGui wrote on 11:18 PM.